The Bigger Picture - Webinar Series
What is happening to humanity... the world?
From a human evolutionary perspective spanning millions of years, there IS a reason why humanity has fallen into crisis.
This mind-expanding video series will clearly explain why this is, along with guidance and strategies to help us all create positive change for the betterment of all.
Sign up to watch Part One (Free).
After you register, you'll be taken immediately to a detailed program overview page outlining the full program content and speaker line-up.
Part One is free, Part Two is a low-cost paid training series.
Who is this video series for?
Live program 14 April - 12 May 2023
This video series (live and recorded) is for anyone interested in understanding the bigger and deeper 'meta-physical' reasons for why our planet is in crisis.
When understood in the context of the millions of years of evolution, and the deeper esoteric nature of life, everything makes sense: when you understand how our current crises are part of human evolution, and that there are tangible solutions for making our way through, we can all move forward with optimism, faith and trust.
Detailed Program Information and Free Part One AccessBigger Picture Series - Dates
April - May 2023
The free introductory webinar ('part one' of the series) is now available to watch on demand.
After watching the introductory webinar you can choose to enroll in the low cost full 'part two' program which runs from 14 April to 12 May 2023.
Everything is recorded and available to view on demand with ongoing access.
Sign up and log in to the portal to watch the free introductory webinar for full details.
Detailed Program Information and Free Part One AccessAn Invitation to help create a better world...
"We have moved beyond facing a crossroads – we are now at a critical moment for the future of humanity, with no time to lose".
Yuan Tze, Enlightened Master
'Bigger Picture' Program Overview

Free 'Part One' Section
A comprehensive introduction to the purpose and content of the complete 'Bigger Picture' video series.
Includes overview webinars and additional content.

4 Part Webinar Series
A deep dive into the 'Bigger Picture' of humanity's crises and how we can solve and move beyond our problems.... for good.
See the overview of the content when you register...

Guest Experts & Bonus Content
Listen to guest speakers share solutions for the world, and immerse yourself in life-changing online bonus content.
See the list of guest experts when you register...
Meet the 'Wisdom Teachings' Co-Hosts
Kim Knight
Kim has been studying the Ageless 'Wisdom Teachings' since the early 2000s, and still regards herself as a beginner student of these vast teachings.
A transformative shift of consciousness in her late 20's set her firmly on the path of spiritual exploration, and she has since studied with several self-realized teachers of wisdom.
Her natural ability to see through to the root cause of problems, and explain complex topics in laymens terms, makes her an ideal person to help convey these teachings to those new to this vast subject.
In 2021 she convened the 'AWAKEN' Summit, a multi-speaker online event exploring the topic of self-realization and enlightenment.

David Hopper
David has been a student of esotericism for over 40 years. He completed his Arcane School studies with the Lucis Trust in 2009, and is on the faculty for the Morya Federation School of Esotericism. He has given numerous presentations in the US and Russia, and is a regular speaker at the University of the 7 Rays.
David has written three books on esotericism, meditation and Wisdom teachings:
- "The Soul Source - A Primer for Living as a Soul",
- “Subjective Influences through the 10 Service Groups”
- “Glossary of Esoteric Thought”

Register Now
Free Introductory webinars and additional content.
Register for the Free Part One Section of the Program