A Call to Humanity for Self-Realization and Wisdom. 

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You. Others. The Planet.

Free Online Summit.

Launching 3rd October 2021 NZT (Global Awakening Day)

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Why is important for humanity to awaken?

16 teachers of consciousness share their wisdom on how we can best traverse the current crises humanity is facing, to help us create the world of equality, freedom and fraternity we truly seek.

AWAKEN Summit Presenters & Topics

Neale Donald Walsch

Author, Spiritual Teacher

'The God Solution'

Discover the single statement of spiritual truth which could birth a spiritual paradigm shift of such magnitude it would produce peace and happiness on our planet at last.

Phillip Lindsay

Esoteric Astrologer

'Humanity's Hidden Destiny'

Does the key to humanity's destiny lie in its untold history dating back 21 million years? Are we on a path of self-destruction or enlightenment? Find out...

Russell Sturgess

Spiritual Director

'The Real Da Vinci Code'

Hear how he discovered the hidden key in the tarot, unlocking secret wisdom teachings lost for hundreds of years, giving clear instructions for achieving enlightenment...

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

Medicine Woman

'Awakening into the Aquarian Age'

Nothing exists in isolation. Discover the secrets of awakening and the keys to enlightenment in the Aquarian Age.

Yuan Tze

Founder of Ren Xue

'Awaken to your True Self'

Humanity is at a crossroads, and to create a better future we need to make the right choice about the direction humanity should take. Where is a path that can promote the continual development of civilization? Come listen to the guidance of enlightened teacher Yuan Tze.

Norberto Rodriguez

Self-realized teacher

'Pure Heart True Self'

As we understand the mission of Ren Xue - 'Zi du, Du Ren, (Uplift yourself and help others)' - we transform ourselves and the world.

Leonora Rose

Mystery Guide

'Alchemy of Love'

This moment offers a portal to 'the end of time' by clearing karmic timelines to return home to Self; an embodied dynamic and alive experience of Sovereignty. Together we are called to consciously create a new earth.

Michael Lindfield

Teacher of Divinity

'Awaken your Multi-dimensionality'

The process of waking up and realizing we are Gaians, integral and intimate aspects of the multi-dimensional eco-system of Earth, and understanding what it means to tread the path of wholeness individually and collectively to bring healing and hope to our world.

Kim Knight

Visionary, Way Shower

'Spiritual Alchemy'

Why is Emotional Alchemy a necessary and essential part of the ascension process? What is the path of purification to reach your Higher Self and True Nature?

David Hopper

Ageless Wisdom Teacher

'Journey of the Soul'

Since ancient times, a vast body of spiritual or sacred teachings has been handed down to each generation; they are known as the Ageless Wisdom. This wisdom does not belong to any one culture, race, or people. It is made up of occult and esoteric writings, and information about the evolution of man’s consciousness...

Janine Savient

Teacher of Love

'Dissolving Untruths'

A magnificent loving presence within every human being awaits discovery, and once reconnection is made, life transforms in the most incredibly beautiful way.

Mandy Horton

Spiritual Development Educator

'Pillar of Light'

Born wide awake and conscious of herself being much more than her physical body, Mandy knew she saw the world very differently to those in her family.

"I became aware as a teenager I was not here to live my life the way it was expected of me to do so"...

Janine Seymour

Embodied Freedom Teacher

'Embodied Freedom'

Journey to the Centre of YOU: in this new dawning the Rebirthing of  Mother Earth we are birthing ourselves a new, the new rhythms of the land, the new cycles of life as we bow 🙏to our past and all of our initiations...


Jonathan Quintin

Sacred Geometrer

'Attune to Cosmos'

A profound order pervades the universe. It stands independent of chaos, space and time… and likely even creation itself. Sacred geometry can help us align to this natural order and experience states of higher consciousness and self-realization.

Daring Donna

Lover of Life

'De-commissioning your Slavecodes'

We are imprinted with ancient slave codes which are perpetuated in this modern world. Call back your original power, and the 'light codes' which are your birth right to AWAKEN into your true form of being in this Age of Transformation.

Julie Blackley

Teacher of Being

'Who am I?'

In the space of Awareness there are no longer separate objects, people, things "out there". Awareness is the foundation, the "field" from which all experience appears on, in, from and returns to.  

Gail Frances

Clear Channel for Spirit

'When Your Soul Speaks'

When we tap into our Soul's Voice, magic happens, The Language of Light assists to embody your gifts through connection with Source. So let's play...Your Soul awaits your company

What are you waiting for?

Join us and together we will create a better world. 

Purchase the Full AWAKEN Summit

The full summit includes access to 16 presenter interviews, 7 workshops and several bonus gifts (click hyperlinks in text for full details - hyperlinks will open new tabs).

Access two complimentary interviews

Access to complimentary interviews with world-renowned author Neale Donald Walsch, and self-realized master Yuan Tze.

What people are saying

I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating and producing this powerful Awakening Summit.
You present and interview naturally - professionally and personally. Asking basic and complex questions so that everyone is included. You demonstrate awakening, respect and love beautifully. I'm reminded of the song "What the World needs now........" and this Summit totally fits the bill!

Extremely well co created  - a wonderful array of guests willing to share from the heart. It couldn't have been more perfect timing for the Auckland lockdown.

Great listening, it held my attention very well, and I can appreciate that I have purchased the series to be able to go back and listen to all these wonderful people again!

Michael you have such an amazing way of sharing your soul's wisdom with eloquence and sincerity. I can feel your awakened experience emanating so effortlessly. Loved the gardening analogies. Thoroughly enjoyed listening and you have reinforced my inner knowing that it is my time to wholeheartedly commit to Spirit. I am bouncing! 

Brilliant interview David. Your way of expressing your wisdom is so clear and easy to comprehend. Thank YOU!

I was very lucky to participate in Leanora's workshop today, it was a very powerful and lovely experience. I will definitely be using these 2 meditations again. Thank you.

Thanks so much for the full moon meditation Kim and David.  I found the explanation of 'The Great Invocation' very helpful. I began the meditation and completely transcended.

I am absolutely enjoying the interviews which you have put together so well. I have just listened to Norberto who is fabulous and I would now love to watch the movie you mentioned during his interview. Thank YOU.

Thank you for all your amazing hard work putting together this incredible Summit.  I’ve jumped in head first and never looked back since the first global awakening day meditation and felt safe and supported in the process of doing so.

This opportunity has opened me up to something I’m now learning has always been with me, just waiting for me to discover and pursue.

I’ve enjoyed every interview and the teacher workshops have provided something important and positive or something for me to reflect on and question.

This has been confronting and exhausting at times for me but I and others around me can see a positive change in me and my anxiety and stress levels have reduced massively and this is something I’m battling with everyday.

I’ve got a long long way to go and loads to work on but I’m now motivated and have a sense of direction with growing momentum that i’ve never had before!! 

 Endless appreciation to you Kim for all your hard work and to all your friends who have come together to support you and work with you to create these amazing workshops and interviews. 

Yes the time has come and so we must work on self and be role models for others so they learn to trust and not follow fear.

Loved your session Norberto. I will remember the analogies of the turtle when it wants to go home it goes inside and the mirror who holds things but is not attached to them. And to BE in the present and trust with out conditions. Thank YOU!

Thank Kim. I enjoyed the conversation around emotions and their impact on health.

With such gratitude for this opportunity and heartfelt connection. Ever since a child I have had a phrase repeating in my mind and heart "peace on earth, peace on earth, peace on earth". This is my ultimate arrow of manifestation. Peace on earth for all people and sentient beings.

I thoroughly enjoyed this interview with Franchelle, I felt connected to you amazing ladies energy. Thank you.

Thanks so much Kim. I have learned a lot from this interview - lots of things I have often wondered about make so much more sense. I really appreciate everything you are doing.

He is so authentic. True and it all comes from his heart. Thank Yuan Tze. I can feel you.

Another beautiful meditation experience Kim, thank you. I caught glimpses of Lion Energy and the child within.

[Thanks David]. Very exciting indeed. So much wisdom. Thank you very much. 

Thank you Leanora. I totally resonate with your talk.

Thank you so much Franchelle. What a wonderful reminder to let the soul drive the car as well as all the other pearls of wisdom shared. Thank you Kim for organising this event and making it available. 

Thank you Russell or a deep and interesting introduction into the mysteries of The Real Da Vinci Code - seriously I loved it.

Thank you Russell and Kim.
Both of you have reconfirmed to and for me what my journey is all about and also how to continue walking my path.

I would like to express how much I am enjoying, and getting from this summit - thank you!!

Thank you for the many gems once again Franchelle. Thank you Kim for this interview.

Wonderful thank you. I particularly loved the part where Leanora said "there's only one trauma, and that's that we left ourselves." That resonated very well.

What a beautifully grounded, wise and loving teacher [Leanora].

Meet your AWAKEN Summit Host

Kim has been an avid explorer of personal development and human consciousness for over 30 years, since a major 'awakening' experience in her late 20's. Jolted out of her previous level of consciousness through an intense 'ring-pass-not' experience, it took several years to understand what had happened. Since then she has studied / trained with and learned from many teachers of wisdom, including Paramahamsa Prajnanananda (Kriya Yoga), Master Yuan Tze (Ren Xue Life Cultivation), Gangaji, Adyashanti, Phillip Lindsay, Michael Robbins, Gilles Marin and more. Kim works as a personal development coach, focusing on transformation of consciousness, emotional intelligence, chronic illness recovery, lifestyle medicine and more.