You, Others, The Planet

Daring Donna

'Decomissioning your Slavecodes'

We are imprinted with ancient slave codes that have continued to be updated for this modern world:

'I'm not good enough, Oh no I didn't get it right, I need to control this situation, I am always getting rejected, I know better, Why is it always about me, I have no money' ....... Any of these mind thoughts sound familiar?

Around the world, no matter what religion, culture, gender identity, political agenda, faith, sovereignty movement, humans say these things to themselves every day! Why?

Call back your original power and the light codes that are your birth right is what I feel we all require to action now, in order to awake into our true form of being in this Age of Transformation.

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About Donna

Who is Daring Donna?

Past lives lived in abundance and poverty, slumber and awakeness!

Daring Donna has been on many daring adventures over the last 57 years in this life time -  whoop whoop!

Human Resources - tick
Sportswomen - tick
Not for profit - tick
Charity work - tick
Business owner - tick
Coach - tick
Mentor - tick
Entrepreneur - tick
Health and Wellbeing - tick
Mediation Guide - tick

and most important of all a life long learner.  I am a curious being and have often looked below the shallows of the narrative being spoon feed to me and gone "hang on a min, that doesn't feel right".

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