AWAKEN Summit 

Presenter Workshops and Bonuses

7 'Up Close & Personal' Workshops with 7 AWAKEN Summit Presenters

Scroll down for details of presenter workshops and bonuses.

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Russell Sturgess

'Exploring Awareness'

After a brief introduction to the concepts of consciousness, awareness and mindfulness from a Western perspective, you will then explore your current state of awareness using Russell's signature 'EAP' Awareness Assessment Tool. This tool helps you clearly identify your current level of awareness: are you mostly unaware, somewhat aware of mostly aware? Sometimes we may be surprised at what we discover! Since your state of awareness determines your capacity to live mindfully, your capacity to live mindfully determines how much you can be free of suffering.

Leanora Rose

'Align with Truth, embody your Soul'

 Join Leanora for a Sacred Journey to the Heart.

Heart Centred Sovereignty is a direct experience of the field of awareness, through the felt sense, in the present moment. 

In this workshop you will be guided on a sacred journey to the deepest core of your heart, to initiate the way home. Every time we touch our true self, our home, we are accessing a powerful vibration which initiates the unique steps required for our journey, and the material within which needs transmutation.  

This experience serves to move consciousness to an expanded state of awareness, where you are less identified and attached to mental ideas, and to ignite the flame of truth which is most easily accessible through a direct connection with the heart centre.  This journey is thus a sacred journey to your true self, where along the way you might meet all manner of wounded aspects of self, who are waiting to be loved.  The natural Alchemy of Love is the healing response when the vibration of the heart space, and stillness (peace) is available to the aspects of self which are divided, dissociated and carrying old stories. 

Mandy Horton

'Activate your Light Body'

In this webinar with Mandy you'll explore the process of the physical body and higher light body in their ascension and de-scension process.

When we clear out the physical body, we increase the light quotient in the body, which in turn raises our vibrational frequency. This assists in the activation of the Higher Light Body.

Mandy will cover ways to do this, including taking you through a guided meditation to activate the 'Diamond Light Codes' to support this process. 

Julie Blackley

'Re-cognizing Awareness'

Join Julie in this direct exploration of the nature of Reality.  "What we are is present NOW.  We have mistaken our identity for thoughts feelings perceptions, objects and experiences.  There is much confusion about what reality is, simply because we never explore what we are beyond what we see. Through your own direct experience, you will come to see that you are not the content of life, but the very field of Awareness from which all things arise and return to. You are the very thing you seek, which, when recognised, arises with unshakable peace and love in action.

Daring Donna

'De-commission your Money Slavecodes'

Have you ever breathed into the frequency of money and decommissioned your slave coding around your money story? Are you soul aligned in your relationship with money? Is the infinity symbol flowing with ease and grace from you heart when giving and receiving? Or are you afraid of moneyand is it scarce? In this hands-on workshop Donna will help you find that place within you that is aligned to abundance and stands on a strong platform of love.

Janine Seymour

'Awakened Relationships'

This is for you if you want a deeper connection with yourself and a partner.
In this workshop Janine will help you:
1. Connect you to the Voice within that loves you, so you can feel more embodied and Soul-lead.
2. Clear blocks in the way you experience balance and harmony within yourself and with a partner.
3. Gain greater clarity on why you’re not attracting what you want in relationships.
4. Understand what you need to do to come into harmony with your relationships.
5. Pin point the obstacles (inner and outer) which could hamper your progress to connecting with you.
You will walk away with lots of new wisdom you can use to move forward with more passion and understanding of what your Soul is desiring for your life.

David Hopper

'3 Pillars of Spiritual Practice'

In this workshop we will explore the importance of building Purpose, Intentionality and Livingness into a spiritual practice, and the three aspects that make up a spiritual practice: meditation, spiritual study, and service. We'll also look at how energy, force and "spiritual tension" from the Soul work in a spiritual practice. This understanding is crucial for the consciously aware server wanting to set purpose and intentionality in their practice for carrying out their part of the 'Plan', along with the needs of the greater Group.

Bonus Gifts

Description of Bonus Gifts

Awaken Summit Workshops & Bonus Gifts

The 'Up Close & Personal' Workshops & Bonuses are included in the 'Full AWAKEN Summit Package'.

Register for the Full AWAKEN Summit Package